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Police to get new uniform, logo; committee formed

A 10-member committee was formed yesterday to change the uniform and logo of Bangladesh Police.
The committee has been asked to submit its report within seven working days, according to a memorandum of the Health, Welfare and Pension branch of the Police Headquarters.
Mohammad Ataul Kibria, additional deputy inspector general (DIG-logistics) of Police Headquarters, is the chairman of the committee while Nuruzzaman, additional superintendent (logistics) of Police Headquarters, is the member secretary of the committee.
Confirming the matter to The Daily Star, Nazmul Islam, assistant inspector general (health, welfare and pension) of Police Headquarters said a major demand of police officials was to change the uniform and logo due to the mistrust that has grown among people for the police’s recent acts.
The committee chief will later incorporate committee members to facilitate work like the choice of fabrics, colour, and addressing other issues, he added.
Notably, during a visit to see injured BGB members at the BGB Hospital today, Home Affairs Adviser Brigadier General (retd) M Sakhawat Hussain urged students to come up with uniform and badge designs for the police force.
During the nationwide student-led protests that led to the toppling of Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League government on August 5, police along with AL activists clashed with protesters and opened fire on them.
More than 400 people died in the three weeks leading up to August 5.
